Welcome to JerseySites, a service of the American Jersey Cattle Association. To access these websites, click on the hotlinks below.
Bookmark this page and visit often. JerseySites are always in development and will be published (and updated) continuously.
For information on how you can publish your website on JerseySites, contact us at jerseyjournal@usjersey.com for pricing.

Avilanche Jerseys and D&E Jerseys
The Donald S. Sherman Family and
Richard and Jennifer Avila and Family, Dalhart, Texas
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Updated 4.12.2022

California Jersey Breeders Association
Members of the California Jersey Breeders Association
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Updated 6.26.2020

Dutch Hollow Jerseys
The Paul Chittenden Family, Schodack Landing, New York
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Updated 12.4.23

Huffard Dairy Farm
James, John and Trey Huffard, Crockett, Virginia
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Updated 9.28.20

Iowa Jersey Cattle Club
Members of the Iowa Jersey Cattle Club
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Updated 7.28.2020

New York Jersey Breeders
Members of the New York Jersey Cattle Association
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Updated 1.1.2024

Pennsylvania Jersey Breeders Association
Members of the Pennsylvania Jersey Breeders Association
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Newly Redesigned 6.23.2020

Rider Jersey Farm
Michael and Ronnie Rider and Families, Upton, Kentucky
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Updated 4.14.2022

Western Junior Jersey Sale
Members of the Clackamas County Jersey Cattle Club
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Updated 4.25.2019

Wisconsin Jersey Breeders Association
Members of the Wisconsin Jersey Breeders Association
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Updated 12.9.2023
Queen of Quality Producers
Landing Sites with Jersey Directory
One-page websites for Jersey breeders and service companies. These are provided as a service of the
American Jersey Cattle Association through the Jersey Directory. To access these websites, click on the hotlinks below.
For information on how you can publish your website on USJersey.com, contact Jersey Journal at jerseyjournal@usjersey.com.